About Teafulness


(tea·ful·ness) /tēf(ə)lnəs/
  1. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of tasting, smelling, feeling, hearing, and seeing tea.
  2. a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness of the present moment on tea, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

The stems and leaves of Teafulness:

The mission statement of Teafulness has always been to bridge civilizations one cup of tea at a time! Our focus of principles over profits has allowed us to provide a sustainable living for farmers, while also providing high-quality service to our customers and friends. We are as mindful about our business and relationships as we are about our tea.
Teafulness is the heart and brain child of co-founders: Bruno and Murry. After a backpacking trip across East Asia, the inception of Teafulness was born. Our passion is to source the finest teas from across the world, while providing an honorable and sustainable living for farmers and exceeding our customer's expectations.
Teafulness is ultimately about doing the right thing but all