Wuyi Oolong
Wuyi Oolong

Wuyi Oolong

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Wuyi Oolong is grown in Wuyishan, a scenic mountain region that goes along Fujian’s northern border with Jiangxi Province. When making this tea, long leaves are twisted sideways, and then heated in a pan to stop the oxidation. The leaves are then baked in the last stages of processing. It is heavily oxidized and dark, with hints of a fruity and smoky flavor.

Wuyi Oolong is grown in Wuyishan, a scenic mountain region that goes along Fujian’s northern border with Jiangxi Province. When making this tea, long leaves are twisted sideways, and then heated in a pan to stop the oxidation. The leaves are then baked in the last stages of processing. It is heavily oxidized and dark, with hints of a fruity and smoky flavor.

How to brew

Oolong Tea...

Add 1t of tea to 8 oz of 180-200 degrees water and steep for 3-5 minutes.